1930s Cape Cod House Plans 1332 Sq Ft Cape Cod House Plans Plans Found 311 cottage house plans Featured Design View Plan 5269 Plan 7055 2 697 sq ft Plan 6735 960 sq ft Plan 5885 1 058 sq ft Plan 6585 1 176 sq ft Plan 1350 1 480 sq ft Plan 3239 1 488 sq ft Plan 5010 5 100 sq ft Plan 7349 1 370 sq ft Plan 4558 1 050 sq ft Plan 7348 1 348 sq ft
A Book of Cape Cod Houses By Doris Doane David R Godine 2007 The history of the Cape from wind beaten shingled dwellings in New England to the mainstay of the postwar building boom Covers 720 square foot Levittown examples as well as the sprawling Capes of Concord Pencil drawings show floor plans rooms and exteriors The Cape Cod House Plan 142 1032 900 Ft From 1245 00 2 Beds 1 Floor 2 Baths 0 Garage Plan 142 1005 2500 Ft From 1395 00 4 Beds 1 Floor 3 Baths 2 Garage Plan 142 1252 1740 Ft From 1295 00 3 Beds 1 Floor 2 Baths 2 Garage
1930s Cape Cod House Plans 1332 Sq Ft
1930s Cape Cod House Plans 1332 Sq Ft
Adding Second Floor To Cape Cod Viewfloor co
1930s cape cod house plans l fc6976f4d375a646 jpg 640 924 Cape Cod House Plans How To Plan
Size 1476 square feet Years Lived In 2 years owned My husband and I bought our 1930s Cape Cod style home in Schenectady New York in the fall of 2017 We share the home with our four daughters and two Boston terriers Beau and Bennie After a long three year search for the right home we immediately fell in love Contact DECORATING FOR THE HOLIDAYS TURNING A DEN INTO A KIDS PLAYROOM A few weeks ago I shared about the Melodic Landing Project a 1938 Cape Cod home that s located in a beautiful treelined Northern California neighborhood The home is slated to go through a whole house remodel and addition
Whether the traditional 1 5 story floor plan works for you or if you need a bit more space for your lifestyle our Cape Cod house plan specialists are here to help you find the exact floor plan square footage and additions you re looking for Reach out to our experts through email live chat or call 866 214 2242 to start building the Cape M 2249 SAT 15 Foot Wide Craftsman House Plan This 15 foot Sq Ft 2 249 Width 15 Depth 70 Stories 3 Master Suite Upper Floor Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 3 5 1 2 3 Traditional Cape Cod house plans were very simple symmetrically designed with a central front door surrounded by two multi pained windows on each side
More picture related to 1930s Cape Cod House Plans 1332 Sq Ft
Remodeled 1930s Cape Cod Style House Makeover Apartment Therapy
https://cdn.apartmenttherapy.info/image/upload/f_auto,q_auto:eco/at/house tours/2019-09/Hawk/hawkbefore1
Remodeled 1930s Cape Cod Style House Makeover Apartment Therapy
https://cdn.apartmenttherapy.info/image/upload/f_auto,q_auto:eco/at/house tours/2019-09/Hawk/hawkafter2
1936 Sears Kit House Milford capecod Cape Cod House Plans Vintage House Plans Cape Cod House
Gable roof Since the Cape Cod style originated in New England where winters are cold and snowy it was important that snow and ice shed from the roof easily For that reason Cape Cod homes have a gable roof with two steeply sloping sides Inexpensive and mass produced these 1 000 square foot houses filled a need for the rush of soldiers returning from the war In New York s famous Levittown housing development factories churned out as many as 30 four bedroom Cape Cod houses in a single day Cape Cod house plans were heavily marketed in the 1940s and 1950s
Stories 1 Width 65 Depth 51 PLAN 963 00380 Starting at 1 300 Sq Ft 1 507 Beds 3 Baths 2 Baths 0 Cars 1 Cape Cod House Plans The Cape Cod originated in the early 18th century as early settlers used half timbered English houses with a hall and parlor as a model and adapted it to New England s stormy weather and natural resources Cape house plans are generally one to one and a half story dormered homes featuring steep roofs with side gables and
A 1930s Cape Cod Is Getting A New Identity In Schenectady New York Front Main Home
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Cape Cod House Plans Plans Found 311 cottage house plans Featured Design View Plan 5269 Plan 7055 2 697 sq ft Plan 6735 960 sq ft Plan 5885 1 058 sq ft Plan 6585 1 176 sq ft Plan 1350 1 480 sq ft Plan 3239 1 488 sq ft Plan 5010 5 100 sq ft Plan 7349 1 370 sq ft Plan 4558 1 050 sq ft Plan 7348 1 348 sq ft

A Book of Cape Cod Houses By Doris Doane David R Godine 2007 The history of the Cape from wind beaten shingled dwellings in New England to the mainstay of the postwar building boom Covers 720 square foot Levittown examples as well as the sprawling Capes of Concord Pencil drawings show floor plans rooms and exteriors The Cape Cod House

A 1930s Cape Cod Is Getting A New Identity In Schenectady New York Front Main Interior

A 1930s Cape Cod Is Getting A New Identity In Schenectady New York Front Main Home
Remodeled 1930s Cape Cod Style House Makeover Apartment Therapy

Contemporary Style House Plan 2 Beds 1 Baths 1332 Sq Ft Plan 25 4467 Houseplans

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Cape Cod House Floor Plans Wood Or Laminate

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1935 Gordon Van Tine Homes The Amherst Cape Cod Small Houses Of The 1930s
1930s Cape Cod House Plans 1332 Sq Ft - Contact DECORATING FOR THE HOLIDAYS TURNING A DEN INTO A KIDS PLAYROOM A few weeks ago I shared about the Melodic Landing Project a 1938 Cape Cod home that s located in a beautiful treelined Northern California neighborhood The home is slated to go through a whole house remodel and addition