Affimatinve Housing Marketing Plan Dhcd Updated May 2013 f All marketing should be comparable in terms of the description of the opportunity available regardless of the marketing type e g local newspaper vs minority newspaper
An AFHMP is a marketing and outreach plan that housing providers use to strategize how they will target outreach to minority groups in their local community that are least likely to apply for housing opportunities AFHMPs help to undo the effects of past federally sanctioned discrimination in housing while helping to prevent unlawful Previous editions are obsolete ref Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan Affordable Dwelling Unit Program Inclusionary Zoning Program D C Department of Housing and Community Development Office of Program Monitoring Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity District of Columbia
Affimatinve Housing Marketing Plan Dhcd
Affimatinve Housing Marketing Plan Dhcd
How To Write An Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan By SIDDHANT GUSAIN Issuu
How To Write An Approvable Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan November 30 2022 Online
Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan Attachment to HUD 935 2A Pursuant to Section 3 3 2 of the Guide and in efforts to provide the greatest access to housing 2 Overview Local Housing Authorities LHAs have responsibilities regarding fair housing for tenant selection in state aided public housing These requirements are contained in Chapter 121B and DHCD regulations
The concept of affirmative marketing is to conduct both broad and targeted outreach to contact those least likely to apply for available housing units Housing developers and managers are responsible for creating and implementing such plans Yet the obligation to affirmatively further fair housing extends these responsibilities PHN 2022 03 To All Local Housing Authorities From Ben Stone Director Division of Public Housing Date February 10 2022 Re Fair Housing Marketing Plan This Public Housing Notice provides updated information and resources on matters relating to Fair
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Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing is required for all developments with five or more units with government assistance and all income restricted units under the City of Boston s Inclusionary Development Program The process begins by requesting an Affirmative Marketing and Tenant Selection Plan template from the City Title 2023 Qualified Allocation Plan and Multifamily Rental Financing Program Guide Revision Update Doc Title Notice 23 05 Date 5 11 2023 Title 2022 End of Year EOY Reporting Portal Opens on May 17 2023 Data Submission due not later than July 15 2023
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Updated May 2013 f All marketing should be comparable in terms of the description of the opportunity available regardless of the marketing type e g local newspaper vs minority newspaper
An AFHMP is a marketing and outreach plan that housing providers use to strategize how they will target outreach to minority groups in their local community that are least likely to apply for housing opportunities AFHMPs help to undo the effects of past federally sanctioned discrimination in housing while helping to prevent unlawful

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