Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan Cdbg

Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan Cdbg If you re searching for the Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan AFHMP forms they can be found here on HUDCLIPS Implementing Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Requirements Handbook 8025 1 Transmittal PDF Table of Contents PDF CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION PDF CHAPTER 2 THE AFFIRMATIVE FAIR HOUSING

Affirmative fair housing marketing and planning should be part of all new construction substantial rehabilitation and existing project marketing and advertising activities An AFHM program as specified in this Plan shall be in effect for each multifamily project throughout the life of the mortgage 24 CFR 200 620 a HUD implements the AFFH mandate in other ways such as through its collection of certifications from program participants provisions regarding program design in its notices of funding opportunity NOFOs affirmative fair housing marketing and advertising requirements and enforcement of site and neighborhood standards

Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan Cdbg


Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan Cdbg


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Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan HCR s Fair and Equitable Housing Office FEHO oversees the development of Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plans AFHMP by new and existing HCR financed projects The goals of the AFHMP and associated policies are to reduce segregation and promote housing choice for all New Yorkers Affirmative marketing plans must be developed and implemented for all CDBG assisted housing with five or more units An affirmative marketing plan must include Methods for informing the public property owners and potential tenants about fair housing laws and the municipalities policies for example use of the fair housing logo or equal

A Affirmative fair marketing plan requirements dictate that an applicant for HUD housing program funds certifies that it will affirmatively further fair housing which means that it will conduct an analysis to identify impediments to fair housing choice within the jurisdiction take appropriate actions to overcome the effects of any From Section 808 e 5 of the Fair Housing Act and includes the requirement to affirmatively market the housing 11 HUD s handbook on Implementing Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Requirements provides guidance to recipients of CDBGs and states that affirmative marketing must include outreach to groups identified as least likely to

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Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan AFHMP is designed to identify those minority and underserved populations i e protected classes who are otherwise least likely to apply to a given project and outline steps and actions to take to specifically market a project to those populations All Subrecipients and Successful Applicants under the CDBG DR Housing Programs must develop an Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan AFHMP and must be submitted to DED for approval The AFHMP must outline strategies to inform the public about the housing opportunities requirements and practices that the awarded entity must adhere to in

Certain housing activities require that PRDOH and its subrecipients ensure that program applicants who will develop or rehabilitate units for rent or sale have adopted affirmative marketing procedures in the form of an Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan AFHM Plan This requirement applies to any CDBG DR program applicant who is 3 Required Actions Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan Fair Housing Brochure All projects with five or more program assisted units must create and implement an Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan AFHMP using HUD Form 935 2A In addition Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plans must be evaluated at least once every five


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FHEO HANDBOOK 8025 1 HUD gov U S Department of Housing and Urban
If you re searching for the Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan AFHMP forms they can be found here on HUDCLIPS Implementing Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Requirements Handbook 8025 1 Transmittal PDF Table of Contents PDF CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION PDF CHAPTER 2 THE AFFIRMATIVE FAIR HOUSING

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Affirmative fair housing marketing and planning should be part of all new construction substantial rehabilitation and existing project marketing and advertising activities An AFHM program as specified in this Plan shall be in effect for each multifamily project throughout the life of the mortgage 24 CFR 200 620 a


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Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan Cdbg - Application of Fair Housing Act Standards to the Use of Criminal Records by Providers of Housing and Real Estate Related Transactions Guidance on Non discrimination and Equal Opportunity Requirements for PHAs FHEO Notice 2011 1 PIH 2011 31 Guidance for Public Housng Agencies and Owners of Federally Assisted Housing on Excluding the Use of