Affordable Housing Planning For Kauai

Affordable Housing Planning For Kauai If it does qualify the Planning Department will provide the owner with an ARU Clearance Form To learn more about this first step please contact the Planning Department at 241 4050 Kauai County Housing Agency Attn Affordable Additional Rental Unit Program 4444 Rice Street Suite 330 Lihue Hawaii 96766

Kauai Habitat for Humanity has helped families on the island build over 100 affordable homes 808 335 0296 Office 808 335 6105 ReStore 1 3410 Kaumuali i Hwy Hanapepe Kauai Hawaii 96705 Mahalo for your help in breaking the cycle of poverty and supporting affordable housing All interested persons who wish to comment on the draft Environmental Assessment may do so at the public meeting or may submit written comments to Kaua i County Housing Agency 4444 Rice Street Suite 330 L hu e Hawai i 96766 Attn Koa Duncan or via email at rduncan kauai gov Please send all comments by February 7 2024

Affordable Housing Planning For Kauai


Affordable Housing Planning For Kauai


City Approves Affordable Housing Policies Your Observer


Partners Needed To Build Affordable Housing Project In Ele ele Kauai Now

Applications are now being accepted for the 28 million Pua Loke Street Apartments on Kaua i The development features 54 multi family apartments including one two and three bedroom units and an on site staff apartment The apartments are scheduled to open in three phases on July 30 August 30 and October 18 The County provides grants and loans directly to eligible applicants to implement affordable housing activities to benefit low income households below 80 of Kauai s median income An eligible applicant is any public agency private non profit organization or private for profit entity Individuals are not eligible to apply for HOME assistance

Pass through from Hawaii Housing Finance and Development Corporation HHFDC on a rotation with the Big Island and Maui counties The overall goal of HOME is to expand the supply of decent safe sanitary and affordable housing for very low and low income households at or below eighty percent 80 of HUDs income guidelines LIHU E In a move to set a floor for affordable housing funding the Kaua i County Council unanimously approved a measure on Wednesday that would allocate 2 percent of real property tax

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Contact Information County of Kauai Housing Agency Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program 4444 Rice Street Suite 330 Lihue HI 96766 808 241 4440 808 241 5119 fax For our Section 8 Division existing clients should call their assigned caseworker directly It provides affordable housing for households within 60 of the Kauai Median Income Limit 37 020 60 annual income for one person 42 300 60 for two Kolopua was developed in partnership with the County of Kauai Vitus Group and Hawaii Housing Finance Development Corporation HHFDC Kolopua is LEED H Platinum Certified

Housing Opportunities Affordable Communities Hale Kupuna Elderly Community Logistics 2363 Puu Road Kalaheo HI 96741 Phone 808 742 2242 Hale Kupuna Property Website Jim Edmonds founder of the nonprofit affordable housing developer PAL Kauai said staffing shortages at the water department have historically drawn out the already lengthy process of permitting


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Affordable Additional Rental Unit Program Kauai County HI
If it does qualify the Planning Department will provide the owner with an ARU Clearance Form To learn more about this first step please contact the Planning Department at 241 4050 Kauai County Housing Agency Attn Affordable Additional Rental Unit Program 4444 Rice Street Suite 330 Lihue Hawaii 96766

City Approves Affordable Housing Policies Your Observer
Affordable Housing on Kauai
Kauai Habitat for Humanity has helped families on the island build over 100 affordable homes 808 335 0296 Office 808 335 6105 ReStore 1 3410 Kaumuali i Hwy Hanapepe Kauai Hawaii 96705 Mahalo for your help in breaking the cycle of poverty and supporting affordable housing


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Affordable Housing Planning For Kauai - Koa e Makana is an affordable workforce housing rental community in Koloa Kauai Koa e Makana will feature 133 rental units and one resident manager unit scattered across 23 low rise multiplex apartment buildings and a community center 33 apartments at Koa e Makana will receive Project Based Section 8 Subsidy