Athlone House Planning Appeal Proposals to replace Hampstead s Athlone House with eight bedroom home for Kuwaiti family scrapped after 5 000 objections including from Terry Gilliam Robert Booth and Tim Clark Mon 8 Jun 2015
Type of Decision Appeal High Court Year 2015 Date 22nd October 2015 Judge Mr Justice Dove Case no CO 3357 2015 First defendant SoS for CLG Second defendant London Borough of Camden Address of the property Athlone House Hampstead Lane London N6 4RU Applicant appellant Athlone House Limited Download Adam s contentious Athlone House plans thrown out again An appeal of the Camden Council s decision was dismissed by the planning inspectorate in 2011 The new designs which were submitted in November 2013 show a redesigned version of the new home of which parts have been reduced in size and height and proposed courtyard wings
Athlone House Planning Appeal
Athlone House Planning Appeal
Athlone House Hgh Consulting Planning Environment Development
Athlone House London SHH
In his landmark appeal decision in June planning inspector Colin Ball ruled that plans for a mansion to replace crumbling Athlone House were materially larger than the existing building The appeal is made by Athlone House Ltd against the Council of the London Borough of Camden The application Ref 2013 7242 P was dated 24 October 2013 The development proposed is the demolition of Athlone House and the erection of an 8 bedroom single dwelling house together with ancillary underground parking plant and landscaping Decision 1
WASHINGTON Jan 26 Reuters President Joe Biden said on Friday that the border deal being negotiated in the U S Senate was the toughest and fairest set of reforms possible and vowed to shut Athlone House formerly known as Caen Wood Towers is a large Victorian house in Highgate north London England Built around 1872 it was designed by Edward Salomons and John Philpot in an intricate style particularly as to shape and brickwork blending Dutch and classical influences It lies on the northern edge of Hampstead Heath from
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Athlone House HGH Consulting
Athlone House London SHH
Adam s Contentious Athlone House Plans Thrown Out Again
Reporting from Washington Jan 22 2024 3 04 p m ET The Supreme Court sided with the Biden administration on Monday in a dispute over a concertina wire barrier erected by Texas along the The appeals are made by Athlone House Ltd against the decisions of the Council of the London Borough of Camden The applications Ref 2009 3413 P and 2009 3422 C dated 19 October 2009 were refused by notices dated 12 April 2010
The High Court has today handed down judgment in Taytime Limited v Secretary of State 2023 EWHC 1522 Admin which considered 1 Whether a section 288 challenge to an Inspector s appeal had validly been brought and 2 the arguability of such a challenge to an Inspector s decision to dismiss a planning appeal on the grounds that the The Athlone House Working Group faces an upcoming legal battle as developers appeal against the council s decision last month to refuse planning permission for a new eight bedroom family
Athlone House SHH Architects
Athlone House London SHH
Proposals to replace Hampstead s Athlone House with eight bedroom home for Kuwaiti family scrapped after 5 000 objections including from Terry Gilliam Robert Booth and Tim Clark Mon 8 Jun 2015
Type of Decision Appeal High Court Year 2015 Date 22nd October 2015 Judge Mr Justice Dove Case no CO 3357 2015 First defendant SoS for CLG Second defendant London Borough of Camden Address of the property Athlone House Hampstead Lane London N6 4RU Applicant appellant Athlone House Limited Download
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Athlone House Planning Appeal - Athlone House Image Archant A 13 year battle to save a historic house on the edge of Hampstead Heath from demolition looks set to rage on with the unveiling of new plans to knock down the 19th