Auckland Council Housing Action Plan Ng mahere hanga whare Housing plans Housing Action Plan This plan aims to make healthy and affordable homes available to all Aucklanders Future Urban Land Supply Strategy This strategy sets out how and when new urban land is to be supplied for development Is the information on this page helpful
Housing Action Plan Stage 1 December 2012 5 Mayoral Foreword Next to transport housing is the biggest issue that Auckland faces It has become a problem of such scale that the Auckland Plan refers to it as a housing crisis and calls for a housing action plan to be developed and implemented urgently Auckland Council facilitates the release of land for development through the Auckland Unitary Plan and other planning processes and consenting services Eke Panuku Development Auckland helps to rejuvenate parts of Auckland from small projects that refresh a site or building to major transformations of town centres or neighbourhoods
Auckland Council Housing Action Plan
Auckland Council Housing Action Plan,dpr_auto,f_auto,fl_lossy,h_748,q_auto,w_1200/v1/cog-aap/n/303/2022/Aug/04/SPqCUwa75VlOhfICmLFy.JPG
Implementing The Auckland Plan 2050
Auckland Experiencing Urban Housing Surge OurAuckland
Auckland Council releases an action plan covering twelve priority areas to address the affordable housing crisis in the city Your view Homes and Places Transport and Access Environment and Cultural Heritage Opportunity and Prosperity The Development Strategy describes how and where growth can occur over the next 30 years to achieve those outcomes guiding critical investment in planning and infrastructure To find out more visit the Auckland Plan 2050
Outcome Homes and places Homelessness in Auckland Te K ingakoretanga ki T maki Makaurau Homelessness in Auckland One of the worst impacts of the Auckland housing crisis has been the significant increase in homelessness This includes people sleeping on the streets and in cars but can also be described in other ways More housing for our growing city From 18 August Auckland Council will be asking you to make a submission on proposed changes to the city s planning rule book the Auckland Unitary Plan We must respond to two significant urban planning reforms introduced by central government These require New Zealand s largest and fastest growing
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The policy requires the rewriting of the Auckland Unitary Plan for housing which a council response says will damage the liveability of the city for current and future Aucklanders The new policy stands to replace plans from the council that would see intensification focused on the city centre town centres around Auckland and the On 18 August 2022 Auckland Council publicly notified proposed changes to the city s planning rulebook the Auckland Unitary Plan for people to make submissions on changes that enable more housing at greater building heights and density across our city
Auckland Council is calling on the government to address the significant impacts on Auckland from the proposed widespread intensification poor housing design and the inability to deliver infrastructure crucial for supporting new communities within its Enabling Housing Supply Bill Auckland Council s Planning Committee has today 3 March 2022 agreed to an approach for enabling more apartment and terrace housing and greater housing choices close to Auckland s local and town centres to meet central government requirements for more housing density The central government s National Policy Statement on Urban
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Ng mahere hanga whare Housing plans Housing Action Plan This plan aims to make healthy and affordable homes available to all Aucklanders Future Urban Land Supply Strategy This strategy sets out how and when new urban land is to be supplied for development Is the information on this page helpful
Housing Action Plan Stage 1 December 2012 5 Mayoral Foreword Next to transport housing is the biggest issue that Auckland faces It has become a problem of such scale that the Auckland Plan refers to it as a housing crisis and calls for a housing action plan to be developed and implemented urgently

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Auckland Unitary Plan Zoning Map
Auckland Unitary Plan Zoning Map

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Auckland Council Housing Action Plan - More housing for our growing city From 18 August Auckland Council will be asking you to make a submission on proposed changes to the city s planning rule book the Auckland Unitary Plan We must respond to two significant urban planning reforms introduced by central government These require New Zealand s largest and fastest growing