Auckland Unitary Plan Terraced Housing And Apartment Buildings H6 3 Policies Enable a variety of housing types at high densities including terrace housing and apartments and integrated residential development such as retirement villages
Auckland Unitary Plan The Terraced House and Apartment Building Zone The Terraced House and Apartment Building zone is one of the four residential zones within the Auckland Unitary Plan This zone in particular tends to be focused on metropolitan areas town centres and close to public transport The rules also cover things like how far apart houses have to be how much outdoor space they need to have and how many dwellings you can build on a site Check the zone for your property To find out which zone your house is in look up your address on the Auckland Unitary Plan GeoMaps Single house zone
Auckland Unitary Plan Terraced Housing And Apartment Buildings
Auckland Unitary Plan Terraced Housing And Apartment Buildings
Unitary Plan 2 0 Pre consultation Greater Auckland
How The Auckland Unitary Plan Affects Te Atatu Peninsula Mark Boyd
If you want to create a new lot under the Auckland Unitary Plan each site in this zone needs to be a minimum of 1200 square metres You should expect that a comprehensive land use consent would be required to determine the specific detail of any development on the site before any reduced area subdivision could be approved What is terraced housing Terraced housing or row housing refers to individual dwellings usually connected on two sides via a party wall End of terrace and semi detached houses are only connected on one side Terraced housing enables greater density than detached housing
Significant changes to Auckland s planning rules came into effect on 18 August 2022 enabling higher density housing to be built across the region ArchitectureNow teamed up with Auckland Council to provide an outline of what you need to know Appendix Auckland Unitary Plan Objectives and Policies H6 Residential Terrace Housing and Apartment Buildings Zone Objectives and Policies H6 2 Objectives 1 Land adjacent to centres and near the public transport network is efficiently used to provide high density urban living that increases housing capacity and choice and access to centres and public transport
More picture related to Auckland Unitary Plan Terraced Housing And Apartment Buildings
Types Of Terraced Housing Auckland Design Manual Images/Carousel/002 Terraced/002-02 Placing the building/001-02-1-1 Types - Terraced/Outcomes/38-215031.jpg
The Unitary Plan What Do The Zones Mean OurAuckland
Auckland Unitary Plan Zones Map
Detached dwellings terrace housing and low rise apartments This supports increasing Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan Decision Version 19 August 2016 1 H5 Residential Mixed Housing Urban Zone H5 3 Policies P Standard H5 6 4 Building height Standard H5 6 5 Height in relation to boundary Standard H5 6 6 The Residential Terraced Housing and Apartment Building THAB zone is a transformational zone that is reflective of Auckland s need to accommodate population growth and achieve a quality compact urban form through intensification in appropriate locations
On 18 August 2022 Auckland Council publicly notified its proposed changes to the Auckland Unitary Plan that respond to the National Policy Statement on Urban Development called Plan Change 78 This means people can make a submission on the proposed changes See more information about Plan Change 78 and make a submission online through the The Terrace Housing and Apartment Buildings THAB zone is located closest to centres and transport hubs and allows for a wide choice of homes During the informal engagement on the March 2013 draft plan the THAB zone and the Mixed Housing zone received the most feedback Existing Plans of the unitary plan Auckland Unitary Plan In some
How The Auckland Unitary Plan Affects Te Atatu Peninsula Mark Boyd
Unitary Plan And The Auckland Design Manual Greater Auckland
H6 3 Policies Enable a variety of housing types at high densities including terrace housing and apartments and integrated residential development such as retirement villages
Auckland Unitary Plan The Terraced House and Apartment Building Zone The Terraced House and Apartment Building zone is one of the four residential zones within the Auckland Unitary Plan This zone in particular tends to be focused on metropolitan areas town centres and close to public transport

Types Of Terraced Housing Auckland Design Manual

How The Auckland Unitary Plan Affects Te Atatu Peninsula Mark Boyd
Civitas Planning Consultants Auckland Unitary Plan

Unitary Plan Notified Greater Auckland

Auckland Unitary Plan The Terraced House And Apartment Building Zone The Development Collective
Auckland Unitary Plan Zoning Map
Auckland Unitary Plan Zoning Map

Unitary Plan And The Auckland Design Manual Greater Auckland

Auckland Unitary Plan Change 78 What You Need To Know

Auckland Experiencing Urban Housing Surge OurAuckland
Auckland Unitary Plan Terraced Housing And Apartment Buildings - Street N Specifications Unitary Plan Zone Mixed Housing Suburban Development Yield Minimum of 6 terrace homes 5x 3 bedroom 1x 2 bedroom Parking 1 car park per dwelling Topography Flat Price Bracket