Boulder Housing Partner Strategic Plan In 2014 BHP s Board of Commissioners adopted a bold strategic plan which calls for doubling our portfolio in the next ten years expanding our customer focus on children and making BHP the nation s first net zero energy housing authority Board of Commissioners Bob Walker Chair Pamela Griffin Vice Chair Jill Adler Matt Bissonette
2019 Annual Plan Boulder Housing Partners 4800 Broadway Boulder CO 80304 720 564 4610 www boulderhousing Increasing Housing Choice BHP s strategic goal is to contribute 2 000 affordable units to Boulder s permanently affordable inventory in ten years To meet this goal we will need to use maximum MTW flexibility AFFORDABLE HOUSING IN BOULDER Boulder Housing Partners Strategic Plan JULY 2014 1 BHP Overview 2 Definition of the Problem 3 BHP s Strategic Response 4 What the City can do 5 Next Steps Tonight s Agenda BHP Overview Affordable Housing PUBLIC HOUSING Manhattan
Boulder Housing Partner Strategic Plan
Boulder Housing Partner Strategic Plan
Boulder Housing Partners
Boulder Housing Partners
Section I Introduction Boulder Housing Partners BHP became part of the Moving to Work MTW Demonstration Program in 2012 This 2021 Plan celebrates our tenth year participating in this program Over the last nine years BHP has accomplished many objectives which line up with the statutory goals of the program and are The housing authority for the City of Boulder for over 55 years Boulder Housing Partners builds owns and manages quality affordable homes for low and moderate income residents while fostering thriving and sustainable Boulder communities
Map to our office Fax TTY 1 800 659 3656 You have choices when it comes to finding the best place to live in Boulder As the largest builder and manager of affordable homes in Boulder we can help you find your rental apartment here in Boulder 2020 Boulder Housing Partners 4800 N Broadway Boulder CO 80304 720 564 4610 boulderhousing Moving To Work Annual Report STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK 1 Supporting Residents Strengthening Communities 2 Increasing Affordable Housing Opportunities 3 Stewarding our Resources Effectively 4 Cultivating an Outstanding Workplace
More picture related to Boulder Housing Partner Strategic Plan
Ciclo Boulder Housing Partners
30PRL Boulder Housing Partners
Boulder Housing Partners Apartments In Boulder CO
The Development team works to implement the mission and vision of Boulder Housing Partners by building new high quality and sustainable affordable housing buying existing apartments within the City of Boulder to convert and preserve as affordable housing buying land for future affordable construction and partnering with a variety of public In 2014 BHP s Board of Commissioners adopted a bold strategic plan which calls for doubling our portfolio in the next ten years expanding our customer focus on children and making BHP the nation s first net zero energy housing authority Board of Commissioners Dick Harris Chair Pamela Griffin Vice Chair Matt Bissonette Michael Block
To develop a comprehensive and flexible plan the Partnership worked closely with participating jurisdictions and other partners throughout the region This case study details how the regional housing plan was developed how the participating jurisdictions work together to achieve shared goals and what the effort had accomplished as of the end of 2020 Key takeaways The Boulder County Regional Affordable Housing Strategic Plan Priorities Goals Strategies Timeline Monitoring Next Steps Lessons Learned Where We Are Heading Build on what has been working 10 Year Plan to Address Homelessness Intergovernmental Agreement IGA HOME Consortium Flood Recovery Housing Working Group
Boulder Housing Partners Better Buildings Initiative
Tantra Lake Apartments Boulder Housing Partners
In 2014 BHP s Board of Commissioners adopted a bold strategic plan which calls for doubling our portfolio in the next ten years expanding our customer focus on children and making BHP the nation s first net zero energy housing authority Board of Commissioners Bob Walker Chair Pamela Griffin Vice Chair Jill Adler Matt Bissonette
2019 Annual Plan Boulder Housing Partners 4800 Broadway Boulder CO 80304 720 564 4610 www boulderhousing Increasing Housing Choice BHP s strategic goal is to contribute 2 000 affordable units to Boulder s permanently affordable inventory in ten years To meet this goal we will need to use maximum MTW flexibility

Boulder Housing Partners Philanthropiece

Boulder Housing Partners Better Buildings Initiative

Boulder Housing Partners 2003 Annual Report PDF Document

Boulder Strategic Planning Community Planning Collaborative

2016 2018 BBB Serving Denver Boulder Strategic Plan By BBBDenver Issuu

Boulder Housing Partners Boulder Co Good It Webzine Photographic Exhibit

Boulder Housing Partners Boulder Co Good It Webzine Photographic Exhibit

30PRL Boulder Housing Partners

Ciclo Boulder Housing Partners

Ciclo Boulder Housing Partners
Boulder Housing Partner Strategic Plan - Map to our office Fax TTY 1 800 659 3656 You have choices when it comes to finding the best place to live in Boulder As the largest builder and manager of affordable homes in Boulder we can help you find your rental apartment here in Boulder