Caroline Harrison White House Plans How Long 18 minutes The Green Room positioned between the East Room and the Blue Room is one of the principal parlors of the White House It has had many incarnations For President Thomas Jefferson it was an everyday dining room First Ladies Grace Coolidge Jacqueline Kennedy and Pat Nixon imagined it as a Federal era parlor
While at the White House Caroline fell ill with tuberculosis and her condition worsened throughout the spring and summer of 1892 She spent several months recovering in the Adirondack Mountains of New York that summer but lost her battle with the disease on October 25 1892 When Benjamin Harrison was elected President in 1888 Caroline was stunned to discover the press she generated whether at home in Indiana or shopping in New York She received letters by the hundreds requesting her opinions on fashion and her assistance in gaining presidential favors
Caroline Harrison White House Plans
Caroline Harrison White House Plans
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Her plans for the White House would later influence the construction of the East Wing and the West Wing She also took inventory of furnishings and other possessions kept in the White House beginning the practice of White House historical preservation Early life She found conditions less than desirable Caroline was the first First Lady to manage her own project and even held a press briefing She lobbied Congress to completely remodel and expand the White House The bill did not pass but they gave her money to clean the house and make minor improvements
Caroline Harrison American first lady 1889 92 the wife of Benjamin Harrison 23rd president of the United States In order to make White House living more comfortable Caroline Harrison worked with architect Fred D Owen to draw up plans to expand the mansion The plan she favoured would have retained the main structure and added wings Caroline Lavinia Scott Harrison Caroline Scott Harrison was a music teacher and wife of the 23rd President Benjamin Harrison Fascinated by history and preservation in 1890 she helped found the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution DAR serving as its first President General The centennial of President Washington s
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Caroline Harrison White House Historical Association
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Caroline Scott was born in Oxford Ohio on October 1 1832 to educator Mary Neal Scott and John Witherspoon Scott a Presbyterian minister and president of Oxford Female Institute Caroline or Carrie stud Caroline Harrison wife of Hoosier President Benjamin Harrison served as First Lady from 1889 1892 Previously cast off as simply a tactful housekeeper historians now recognize that Caroline did more including using her influence to advocate for the arts women s interests and the preservation of the White House
Born October 1 1832 in Oxford Ohio Parents John Witherspoon Scott Mary Potts Neal Scott Married October 20 1853 to Benjamin Harrison Children Russell Benjamin 1854 1936 Mary Scott 1858 1930 Education Oxford Female Institute in Oxford Ohio Firsts 1st First Lady to have a Christmas tree in the White House 1st First Lady to deliver a speech she had written October 1 1832 in Oxford Ohio Died October 25 1892 in Washington D C Legacy Caroline Harrison served as first lady from the beginning of her husband Benjamin Harrison s term in 1889 until her unfortunate death in 1892 She was 56 years old when she became first lady
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Caroline Harrison Department Of International Literary And Cultural
How Long 18 minutes The Green Room positioned between the East Room and the Blue Room is one of the principal parlors of the White House It has had many incarnations For President Thomas Jefferson it was an everyday dining room First Ladies Grace Coolidge Jacqueline Kennedy and Pat Nixon imagined it as a Federal era parlor
While at the White House Caroline fell ill with tuberculosis and her condition worsened throughout the spring and summer of 1892 She spent several months recovering in the Adirondack Mountains of New York that summer but lost her battle with the disease on October 25 1892

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Caroline Harrison White House Plans - She found conditions less than desirable Caroline was the first First Lady to manage her own project and even held a press briefing She lobbied Congress to completely remodel and expand the White House The bill did not pass but they gave her money to clean the house and make minor improvements