Cdssab Housing Plan Discretion may be required in the implementation of our service plan depending on changing circumstances The CDSSAB s goal of this pandemic response is to prevent infection transmission and minimize serious illness while continuing to serve those who need our services Ontario Works Housing Services Childcare Services and Emergency
Who do I call if something has changed with my housing situation If you are currently active on the waitlist please contact Tanya at 705 268 7722 x 217 to update your housing application My landlord is evicting me and I don t know what to do No member of the household has been convicted by a court of law or found by the Ontario Rental Housing Tribunal to be misrepresenting their income for the purpose of rent geared to income assistance Languages Physical Access Fully Accessible Housing cdssab on ca Hours Mon Fri 8 30 am 12 noon 1 pm 4 15 pm Sep Jun Mon Fri 8 am 12 noon
Cdssab Housing Plan
Cdssab Housing Plan
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Appendix a IAMGOLD C t Gold Project Aboriginal Consultation Plan Previously Submitted to the Ministry of Northern Development and Mines in 2013 Regular Council Meeting Agenda Tuesday August 4 2020 6 00 Pm to Be Held in the Council Chambers CDSSAB HOUSING SERVICES COCHRANE FAUQUIER HEARST IROQUOIS FALLS KAPUSKASING MATHESON MATTICE The CDSSAB is using 540 000 from its reserves for the three year program The money will be used to help at least 30 people who will each receive 500 a month for up to 36 months Priority will be given to individuals on Ontario Works and Ontario Disability Support Program ODSP Applicants will have to be eligible for the social housing
APPLICATION PROCESS The CDSSAB Housing Services ensures one stop access to all social housing providers through a common application form information packages and eligibility assessment By the date each Housing Provider office receives the application the applicant s name will be added to all the chosen waitlists The funds will support CDSSAB s ambitious goal of ending homelessness in the district by 2025 NICOLE STOFFMAN The Daily Press jpg TD apsmc Timmins and the Cochrane District just got closer to ending homelessness by 2025 with 11 6 million over three years in funds granted through the provincial government s Homelessness Prevention Program
More picture related to Cdssab Housing Plan
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Prior to 2023 the CDSSAB received close to 2 2 million annually to fund emergency shelters housing support outreach services and other types of housing assistance Now the province has provided increased Homelessness Prevention Program HPP funding for the district to the tune of just more than 6 million per year for the next three years To submit an application or to find out more about their program please contact the CDSSAB Housing Department in Kapuskasing at 705 335 6179 or toll free 800 667 2143 The OAHS s mandate is to provide safe and affordable housing in urban and rural settings The Corporation has 14 houses in Mattice located on Gagnon Street and on Chabot
The CDSSAB is using 540 000 from its reserves for the three year program The money will be used to help at least 30 people who will each receive 500 a month for up to 36 months Priority will The City of Timmins and the Cochrane DSSAB are preparing a Community Housing Plan to support the Timmins 2020 Strategic plan and the CDSSAB 10 year Housing Plan The plans will address the immediate and long term housing needs in the City by evaluating current policies and practices aimed at addressing housing issues
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Discretion may be required in the implementation of our service plan depending on changing circumstances The CDSSAB s goal of this pandemic response is to prevent infection transmission and minimize serious illness while continuing to serve those who need our services Ontario Works Housing Services Childcare Services and Emergency
Who do I call if something has changed with my housing situation If you are currently active on the waitlist please contact Tanya at 705 268 7722 x 217 to update your housing application My landlord is evicting me and I don t know what to do

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Cdssab Housing Plan - The funds will support CDSSAB s ambitious goal of ending homelessness in the district by 2025 NICOLE STOFFMAN The Daily Press jpg TD apsmc Timmins and the Cochrane District just got closer to ending homelessness by 2025 with 11 6 million over three years in funds granted through the provincial government s Homelessness Prevention Program