Citrohan House Plans

Citrohan House Plans The detached house is an implementation of the Citrohan model The house has a cubic form seemingly made to float above the ground by the visible pilotis recessed basement and coloured walls The dominant element is a large central hall on two levels to which are attached the service and individual rooms on the ground and gallery floors

Maison Citrohan 1920 2D Le Corbusier Casa Citrohan drawing reconstruction of the first hypothesis of the citrohan house Reconstruction of the first hypothesis of the Maison Citrohan of 1920 The preview image of the project of this architecture derives directly from our dwg design that is it represents exactly the content of the dwg file 1 100 scale drawings Citrohan house Weissenhof 1927 In this project in the Weissenhof quarter in Stuttgart the five points of Le Corbusier s architecture seem mature The use of the pilotis is present there is the hanging garden the ribbon window the plan and the free facade The free fa ade meant for Le Corbusier the possibility of freeing the load bearing

Citrohan House Plans


Citrohan House Plans


Maison Citrohan Arquitectura Pinterest Arquitectura Morfologia Y Arquitectura Moderna


Maison Citrohan Le Corbusier Corbusier Floor Plans

Le Corbusier Maison Citrohan 1920 e 1922 Reconstruction of the first hypothesis of the 1920 citrohan fashion house The project dates from 1919 20 and then there will always be other solutions on this design basis The construction system is based on the Hennebique structure for floors and pillars The typology is that of the Mediterranean Maison Guiette is part of the 1920s series of Purist houses in which Le Corbusier applied his Five Points of a New Architecture pilotis roof garden free plan ribbon window free facade The project is similar to that of the Weissenhof Siedlung houses in Stuttgart 1927 This is an unusual exploration of the Maison Citrohan principle one

Other articles where Citrohan House is discussed Le Corbusier The first period of Le Corbusier The Citrohan House displays the five characteristics by which the architect five years later defined his conception of what was modern in architecture pillars supporting the structure thus freeing the ground beneath the building a roof terrace transformable into a garden and an essential part The Citrohan House displays the five characteristics by which the architect five years later defined his conception of what was modern in architecture pillars supporting the structure thus freeing the ground beneath the building a roof terrace transformable into a garden and an essential part of the house an open floor plan a facade free

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Evoluzione Del Dom Ino La Maison Citrohan Prototipo Del 1922 Il Nome Intenzionale


Maison Citrohan 1927 Maison Citrohan 1927 France Architec Flickr


Maison Citrohan France Google Search Le Corbusier Architecture Corbusier Le Corbusier

Download scientific diagram Weissenhofsiedlung Plan of the Citrohan House From left to right ground first and second level from publication Six Works for Six Architects Explorations In 1927 Le Corbusier designs House 13 at the Weissenhof Housing Exhibition in Stuttgart Germany Known as the Maison Citrohan a pun on the name of the

OP 2 yr ago This single family house designed by Le Corbusier and Pierre Jeanneret was built for the Wei enhofsiedlung a housing estate built for the Deutscher Werkbund exhibition in Stuttgart in 1927 that was a showcase for innovative designs for modern healthy affordable and functional living Le Corbusier envisioned the Citrohan A model of Le Maison Citrohan Citrohan House designed by Le Corbusier 1920 via Les Couleurs Le Corbusier designed Le Maison Citrohan in 1920 and subsequently exhibited a model of it at the Salon D Automne in Paris in 1922 The Citrohan House was a great example of the five principles that according to Le Corbusier made architecture modern


1927 Third Version Of Maison Citrohan Weissenhof Stuttgart Le Corbusier Le Corbusier


Maison Citr han 1922 Le Corbusier Archweb it Disegno Di Architettura Schemi

Citrohan House Nel Quartiere Weissenhof 1927 Le Corbusier Archweb 2D Casa Le Corbusier
Maisons de la Weissenhof Siedlung Le Corbusier World Heritage
The detached house is an implementation of the Citrohan model The house has a cubic form seemingly made to float above the ground by the visible pilotis recessed basement and coloured walls The dominant element is a large central hall on two levels to which are attached the service and individual rooms on the ground and gallery floors

Maison Citrohan Arquitectura Pinterest Arquitectura Morfologia Y Arquitectura Moderna
Maison Citrohan 1920 plan Archweb
Maison Citrohan 1920 2D Le Corbusier Casa Citrohan drawing reconstruction of the first hypothesis of the citrohan house Reconstruction of the first hypothesis of the Maison Citrohan of 1920 The preview image of the project of this architecture derives directly from our dwg design that is it represents exactly the content of the dwg file 1 100 scale drawings


Maison Citrohan Le Corbusier Plan Design Architecture


1927 Third Version Of Maison Citrohan Weissenhof Stuttgart Le Corbusier Le Corbusier


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The Citr han Mansion In 1922 Within Three Basic Prototypes Domino Monol Citr han Created By


Maison Citrohan 1922 Le Corbusier Archweb 3D Le Corbusier House


Maison Citrohan 1922 Le Corbusier Archweb 3D Le Corbusier House


Casa Nel Quartiere Weissenhof 1927 2 2d Piano Di Architettura Architettura Moderna


Architecture Portfolio School Architecture Amazing Architecture Architecture Drawing Modern


Casa Citrohan Planta Le Corbusier Home Design Plans Plan Design Mid Century Architecture

Citrohan House Plans - The Citrohan house is a prototype of a single family home designed by the French born Swiss architect Le Corbusier in 1920 It was an individual housing unit that could be mass produced and that could be grouped together among several of its kind forming blocks of flats Format SKP File size 224 40 KB