Civic San Diego Affordable Housing Master Plan

Civic San Diego Affordable Housing Master Plan Affordable Housing Master Plan Low and Moderate Income Housing Asset Fund 2018 Update and Progress Report ATTACHMENT B 1 311975 9 27 In 2013 following the State of California s dissolution of its redevelopment agencies Civic San Diego CivicSD on behalf of the City prepared the Affordable Housing Master Plan Master

1 7th Market Downtown EV 2 Park Market Downtown EV 3 13th Market 50 of the site 20 000 SF Downtown EV 4 Popular Market Downtown EV 5 GSA site Downtown Columbia Properties available for future affordable housing developments 1 Civic San Diego Affordable Housing Master Plan April 12 2013 Affordable Housing Master Plan Guiding Principles 1 Maximize quality unit production with limited resources 2 Homeless housing 3 Maximize leverage with other funding sources 4 Development of affordable housing on real properties retained by Housing Successor Entity 5

Civic San Diego Affordable Housing Master Plan


Civic San Diego Affordable Housing Master Plan


San Diego Affordable Housing Developer San Diego Affordabl Flickr



City of San Diego as the Housing Successor Affordable Housing Master Plan 2023 Update and Progress Report ATTACHMENT C AFFORDABLE HOUSING PRODUCTION City of San Diego Housing Successor Affordable Housing Production Estrella del Mercado Mission Apartments Mason Hotel f VVSD Phase IV a Completed Since Dissolution 2012 The Affordable Home Development Master Plan will provide a comprehensive plan to utilize City owned property to develop homes for people of all incomes in all communities that are best served by transit and amenities The Master Plan will reduce development costs and expedite housing construction on public land

2022 Mayor Gloria Signs Landmark Homes For All of Us Ordinance into Law March 14 2022 2021 Mayor Gloria s Homes For All of Us Housing Package Moving Forward Dec 14 2021 New City of San Diego Development Code Updates Provide Neighborhood Improvements Dec 13 2021 State OKs Mayor Gloria s Housing Plan Sept 16 2021 Councilmembers will consider an Affordable Housing Master Plan report They will also decide on a proposed response to the San Diego County Grand Jury that made recommendations on building housing From the Office of Council President Sean Elo Rivera Council Meeting of Monday Oct 2 2023

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San Diego To address a statewide housing crisis on the local level Mayor Kevin L Faulconer was joined Wednesday by City Councilmembers Scott Sherman and Chris Ward and housing advocates to call for the adoption of the Housing SD plan a set of proposals that would increase housing supply lower costs and promote smart growth to address th SAN DIEGO APPROVING THE 2023 AFFORDABLE HOUSING MASTER PLAN UPDATE AND PROGRESS REPORT WHEREAS from its formation in 1958 until its dissolution on February 1 2012 the former Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Diego Former RDA implemented various redevelopment projects programs and activities within designated redevelopment project areas

The Notice of Funding Availability was released by Civic San Diego It will allow projects that meet certain affordability requirements and development objectives to apply for funds in order to facilitate the adopted Affordable Housing Master Plan Qualified affordable housing developers meeting the NOFA qualifications and Affordable Housing Dashboard Households with lower incomes can apply to rent an affordable unit from the San Diego Housing Commission SDHC or the developers that partner with SDHC to create affordable rental housing in the City of San Diego


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span class result type
Affordable Housing Master Plan Low and Moderate Income Housing Asset Fund 2018 Update and Progress Report ATTACHMENT B 1 311975 9 27 In 2013 following the State of California s dissolution of its redevelopment agencies Civic San Diego CivicSD on behalf of the City prepared the Affordable Housing Master Plan Master

San Diego Affordable Housing Developer San Diego Affordabl Flickr
Civic San Diego Affordable Housing Master Plan sdhc
1 7th Market Downtown EV 2 Park Market Downtown EV 3 13th Market 50 of the site 20 000 SF Downtown EV 4 Popular Market Downtown EV 5 GSA site Downtown Columbia Properties available for future affordable housing developments 1


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Civic San Diego Affordable Housing Master Plan - The 25 million will be funded from the Low and Moderate Income Housing Asset Fund in accordance with the City s adopted Affordable Housing Master Plan Qualified affordable housing