Colchester Housing Plans Elliot Deady CONTESTED plans to build homes off a lane widely used by walkers have been given the green light despite residents fears they will create misery forever onwards Proposals to build nine homes on land off Gosbecks View Colchester were approved by Colchester Council s planning committee at a meeting on Thursday
Creating Colchester s Affordable Housing Plan Improving housing options for all life stages and lifestyles while protecting existing community attributes Town of Colchester 127 Norwich Avenue Colchester CT 06415 Phone 860 537 7200 Fax 860 537 0547
Colchester Housing Plans
Colchester Housing Plans
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Colchester s local plan will see more than 15 000 new homes built in the next decade According to the draft plan up to 2033 the local authority has a housing target of 920 homes a Housing Colchester City Council Services Information Housing Insight Report 2023 You can now view the Housing Insight Report Tell Us What You Think We would love to hear what you think
5 3 Housing Target for Colchester 3 1 Colchester s five year housing land supply requirement is based on an annual housing target of 920 in accordance with the Policy adopted in February 2021 3 2 The Housing Delivery Test was introduced in 20 to address issues of persistent under delivery Colchester has exceeded the target set and therefore only needs to add a 5 buffer to the target of Colchester Borough Council voted to formally adopt section two of its local plan at a special meeting last night July 4 The plan which sets out where 15 970 homes are intended to be built across the whole borough includes the allocation of 1 000 homes in Middlewick Ranges a rare piece of acid grassland currently owned by the Ministry of
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Colchester Borough Council votes in favour of a plan for thousands of new homes Protesters blocked a Colchester road on 4 July to oppose plans for up to 1 000 homes on the Middlewick Ranges Colchester s Housing Strategy 2015 2020 Progress Report 2019 2020 Background Colchester s Housing Strategy 2015 20 was adopted in March 2015 The 5 year Strategy and Delivery Plan was developed by the Housing Strategy Partnership which includes Colchester Borough Council CBC and its Partner Organisations
Middlewick Ranges 1 000 homes plan agreed as Colchester adopts major blueprint Colchester council votes down motion to rip up annual budget and freeze council tax Colchester councillor slams housing association after single mother of 3 moves into dump Colchester Foodbank boss fears people could die if UK has cold winter amid cost of living 3 0 Housing Land Supply 3 1 The Colchester Local Plan was submitted in October 2017 and is being examined under the National Planning Policy Framework NPPF published in 2012 Accordingly an Objectively Assessed Housing Need Study was produced to establish the number and type of new homes required This was published in
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Elliot Deady CONTESTED plans to build homes off a lane widely used by walkers have been given the green light despite residents fears they will create misery forever onwards Proposals to build nine homes on land off Gosbecks View Colchester were approved by Colchester Council s planning committee at a meeting on Thursday
Creating Colchester s Affordable Housing Plan Improving housing options for all life stages and lifestyles while protecting existing community attributes

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Colchester Housing Plans - Housing Colchester City Council Services Information Housing Insight Report 2023 You can now view the Housing Insight Report Tell Us What You Think We would love to hear what you think