Dart House Spelthorne Planning

Dart House Spelthorne Planning The Local Plan sits within a wider framework of planning documents including national guidance set out by the government in the National Planning Policy Framework NPPF regional and county planning policies and guidance strategic plans supporting strategies and background studies

This handbook explains the ins and outs of the planning application process in Spelthorne covering all aspects of the planning application process from submitting your application all the way to it being approved or denied We hope that it will be a reliable source of information for you as you embark upon your project 1 1 The Spelthorne Local Plan which has been prepared by the Council in consultation with the community sets out the policies and allocations that will guide how new development and infrastructure comes forward in the Borough for the next 15 years The Local Plan supports the sustainable growth of Spelthorne in a planned way

Dart House Spelthorne Planning


Dart House Spelthorne Planning


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Map 1 Spelthorne and adjoining local authority areas Spelthorne is situated approximately 15 miles south west of Central London It is a relatively small but quite densely populated Borough with Heathrow Airport immediately to the north and the River Thames forming its southern boundary Spelthorne is densely populated and has fve main urban areas Ashford Shepperton Staines upon Thames Stanwell and Sunbury 65 of Spelthorne is Green Belt Source Spelthorne Planning Monitoring Report 2017 30 of the total area is either food plain or reservoir 17 of the Borough is water Source Spelthorne Planning Monitoring

The Local Plan is a key document which will guide development in Spelthorne over the next 15 years The Local Plan identifies the amount type and location of development in the Borough We consulted on the Pre submission Spelthorne Local Plan 2022 2037 the final draft of the Local Plan Regulation 19 consultation over a 14 week Spelthorne s objectively assessed housing need has been based on the Government standard methodology set out in the NPPF 2021 and accompanying Planning Practice Guidance

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Competition Spelthorne Council Framework

Jointly by Spelthorne and Runnymede Borough Councils The methodology is based on the PPG and the processes summarised in Figure 1 2 3 Planning Practice Guidance sets out that a land availability assessment should be undertaken working with other local planning authorities in the relevant housing market area or functional economic market area Six policies from the 2001 Local Plan remain in force and still form part of the Development Plan for Spelthorne South East Plan policy NRM6 Thames Basin Heaths Although not forming part of the Development Plan for Spelthorne the following documents support the adopted DPDs and continue to be a significant material consideration in determining

We would like to show you a description here but the site won t allow us As part of the Council s commitment to deliver new homes in Spelthorne to meet local housing needs we are consulting on emerging proposals for development of Proposed development of 91 93 High Street Staines TW18 4DP The proposal is to build 12 affordable one bedroom and two bedroom homes above ground floor retail commercial space


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Pre submission Local Plan 2022 2037 Pre submission Spelthorne Local

The Local Plan sits within a wider framework of planning documents including national guidance set out by the government in the National Planning Policy Framework NPPF regional and county planning policies and guidance strategic plans supporting strategies and background studies

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Spelthorne Planning Application Process and Permission Guide

This handbook explains the ins and outs of the planning application process in Spelthorne covering all aspects of the planning application process from submitting your application all the way to it being approved or denied We hope that it will be a reliable source of information for you as you embark upon your project


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Dart House Spelthorne Planning - At an Extraordinary Council Meeting on 19 May Councillors voted to progress the Local Plan and Staines Development Framework to the next consultation phase so residents businesses employees and visitors to the Borough can give their views Whilst the Plan will deliver many positives for the Borough in terms of affordable housing new infrastructure and responding to the climate emergency