Fair Housing Planning Guide The Department believes that the principles embodied in the concept of fair housing are fundamental to healthy communities and that communities must be encouraged and supported to include real effective fair housing strategies in their overall planning and development process not only because it is the law but because it is the right thin
WHAT IS AFFH Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 known as the Fair Housing Act requires HUD and recipients of federal funds from HUD to affirmatively further the policies and purposes of the Fair Housing Act also known as affirmatively further fair housing or AFFH Do you want to learn how to plan and implement fair housing policies and programs in your community Download the Fair Housing Planning Guide Volume 1 a comprehensive resource from HUD that covers the legal framework the analysis of impediments the action plan and the evaluation of fair housing goals Don t miss this essential guide for State and Entitlement jurisdictions
Fair Housing Planning Guide
Fair Housing Planning Guide
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Through a fair housing planning process HUD program participants develop a team to lead and support the efforts engage with community members and stakeholders collect and analyze data and set meaningful goals to AFFH First published in 1996 the Fair Housing Act Design Manual A Manual to Assist Designers and Builders in Meeting the Accessibility Requirements of The Fair Housing Act provides clear and helpful guidance about ways to design and construct housing which complies with the Fair Housing Act The manual explains the accessibility requirements of the Act which must be incorporated into the design
APA s Housing Policy guide identifies policy solutions for planners and local state and federal elected officials that address dire housing challenges including accessibility affordability and availability plaguing rapid and slow growth communities nationwide Developing Specific and Measurable Goals Creating fair housing goals requires HUD program participants to consider not only the conclusions of their data analysis but also available resources community priorities political realities and administrative capabilities
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The Department believes that the principles embodied in the concept of fair housing are fundamental to healthy communities and that communities must be encouraged and supported to include real effective fair housing strategies in their overall planning and development process not only because it is the law but because it is the right thin

WHAT IS AFFH Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 known as the Fair Housing Act requires HUD and recipients of federal funds from HUD to affirmatively further the policies and purposes of the Fair Housing Act also known as affirmatively further fair housing or AFFH

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Fair Housing Planning Guide - WHAT IS AFFH Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 known as the Fair Housing Act requires HUD and recipients of federal funds from HUD to affirmatively further the policies and purposes of the Fair Housing Act also known as affirmatively further fair housing or AFFH