Housing Focused Person Centered Plan Pdf Housing Focused Person Centered Plan Cedar St What concerns you about your housing now and in the future don t always understand my lease and I don t know how talk to them about it am concerned if I don t into a place that meets my accessibility needs rt might make my injury worse Housing Stabilization Services Transition Sustaining
Things to know Email dhshousingstabilization state mn us if you have questions about this guide Overview Eligible Providers Eligible Members Covered and Noncovered Services Billing Managed Care Members Legal References Overview Housing Stabilization Services is a Medical Assistance benefit to help people with disabilities and seniors find and keep housing
Housing Focused Person Centered Plan Pdf
Housing Focused Person Centered Plan Pdf
Housing Perspectives The Coast News Group
Housing Stability Programs And Homeless Shelters In Guelph Stepping Stone
The PSN demonstrates a few things about a person Housing instability Section 1 and Section 5 Disabling conditions Section 2 Assessed need for Housing Stabilization Services Section 3 Need for supportive services Section 4 It does NOT demonstrate Formal diagnosis Certified disabling conditions Section 1 Housing Situation Next Steps Ice Breaker GIVE AN EXAMPLE OF WHEN A PARTICIPANT IN YOUR PROGRAM WAS HELPFUL TO OTHERS COULD BE OTHER PARTICIPANTS YOU OR FAMILY AND FRIENDS Needs Assessment Assessment Is a process not an event Requires trust that offering information will lead to needed services resources Information unfolds over time
Documentation Allowed When completing a Housing Stabilization Services Eligibility Request eligibility documentation must be attached The three types of eligibility attachments required include Proof of Disability Assessment and Person Centered Plan The following sections identify what is allowed under each attachment type Go Live date 7 20 2020 Purpose of HSS Support an individual s transition into housing Increase long term stability in housing in the community Avoid future periods of homelessness or institutionalization HSS In a Nutshell HSS is for Medicaid program population who qualify MSHO MSC SNBC PMAP Medicaid fee for service NOT MinnesotaCare
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Housing Stabilization Services
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Process Subprocess Document A Waiver Case Manager or MSHO MSC Care Coordinator Housing and Support Services Division Housing Stabilization Services Person Served Workflow DHS 7347 ENG 2 21 Person on Medical Assistance Over Age 18 learns of Housing Stabilization Services Person is Interested Make a Person Centered Plan If you have a MA Waiver case manager senior care coordinator or targeted case manager that person will help you update your plan to include Housing Stabilization Services
Goals of the services Support an individual s transition to housing Increase long term stability in housing Avoid future periods of homelessness or institutionalization Medical Assistance recipient who is 18 years old or older Disability or disabling condition Housing instability Minnesota Department of Human Services sent this bulletin at 06 01 2020 08 00 AM CDT Forms published to eDocs May 2020 Please note that the following forms may have new web addresses Web pages or other documents that link to these forms may need to be updated DHS 1795 ENG SSI Interim Assistance Authorization
Housing Stability Programs And Homeless Shelters In Guelph Stepping Stone
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Housing Focused Person Centered Plan Cedar St What concerns you about your housing now and in the future don t always understand my lease and I don t know how talk to them about it am concerned if I don t into a place that meets my accessibility needs rt might make my injury worse Housing Stabilization Services Transition Sustaining

Things to know Email dhshousingstabilization state mn us if you have questions about this guide

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Housing Stability Programs And Homeless Shelters In Guelph Stepping Stone

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Pages Person Centered Planning
Housing Focused Person Centered Plan Pdf - Housing Focused Person Centered Plan s completion Assessments Remote support Must be real time two way communication between the provider and the person Telephone or secure video conferencing for Housing Consultation Must be chosen by the person Providers must document that the plan was completed