Housing Focused Person Centered Plan

Housing Focused Person Centered Plan An Introduction to the Housing Focused Person Centered Plan TCM 100 training is available on Train Link under Housing and Support Services to assist targeted case managers with this process An important component of the person centered plan is to help the person choose a Housing Stabilization Services provider

Overview Housing Stabilization Services is a Medical Assistance benefit to help people with disabilities and seniors find and keep housing Housing stabilization services are state plan not waiver Home and Community Based Services HCBS Eligible Providers Housing Focused Person Centered Plan Cedar St What concerns you about your housing now and in the future don t always understand my lease and I don t know how talk to them about it am concerned if I don t into a place that meets my accessibility needs rt might make my injury worse Housing Stabilization Services Transition Sustaining

Housing Focused Person Centered Plan


Housing Focused Person Centered Plan


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The Housing Focused Person Centered Plan helps you understand a person s strengths needs and wants and how those relate to housing options available The plan should be driven by the person improve their well being in relation to housing help them integrate into the community and allow them choice in The assessment refers to a person s housing instability and their assessed need for services Person Centered Plan Important Note DHS reviews different documentation types that could be accepted for proof of disability

Housing Stabilization Services is a new Minnesota Medical Assistance benefit to help people with disabilities including mental illness and substance use disorder and seniors find and keep housing Housing Stabilization is a Home and Community Based Service HCBS and providers of Housing Stabilization must abide by the HCBS requirements Examples Developing a housing focused person centered plan based on the person s needs wants and goals for housing helping a person make an informed choice in their housing transition or sustaining services provider offering resources related to non housing goals and coordinating with other service providers already working with the person

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Housing Stabilization Services


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Purpose of HSS Support an individual s transition into housing Increase long term stability in housing in the community Avoid future periods of homelessness or institutionalization HSS In a Nutshell HSS is for Medicaid program population who qualify MSHO MSC SNBC PMAP Medicaid fee for service NOT MinnesotaCare Developing a housing focused person centered plan based on the person s needs wants and goals for housing Helping a person make an informed choice in their housing transition or sustaining services provider Offering resources related to non housing goals Coordinating with other service providers already working with the person To learn

Housing Focused Person Centered Plan assessment and disability documentation as appropriate to the Minnesota Department of Human Services for an eligibility determination DHS 7347 ENG 2 21 Author Rosen Jensina E DHS Created Date Establishing Person Centered Housing Focused Goals and Building Motivation for Goal Achievement JULY 30 2020 Brenda Earle DMHAS Andrea White Housing Innovations Lauren Pareti Housing Innovations Initial service plan within 30 days of participant enrollment Assessments and service plans updated at least every 6 months


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An Introduction to the Housing Focused Person Centered Plan TCM 100 training is available on Train Link under Housing and Support Services to assist targeted case managers with this process An important component of the person centered plan is to help the person choose a Housing Stabilization Services provider

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Housing Stabilization Services Minnesota Department of Human Services

Overview Housing Stabilization Services is a Medical Assistance benefit to help people with disabilities and seniors find and keep housing Housing stabilization services are state plan not waiver Home and Community Based Services HCBS Eligible Providers


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Housing Focused Person Centered Plan - Developing a Housing Focused Person Centered Plan based on assessment outcomes Supporting the person in identifying their strengths needs and wants in housing including cultural requirements and or preferences Supporting the person to make an informed choice in their housing transition or sustaining provider