Housing Stability Plan Examples Housing Stability Plan Examples Updated 09 01 2017 HOUSING STABILITY PLAN EXAMPLES A Housing Stability Plan HSP is created in partnership with the program participant and the assigned staff HSPs are client centered and must be agreed upon by the participant The examples below may not be applicable to the participant nor should the examples
An example of a Housing Stabilization Plan is included as Appendix A and is populated with information applicable to the case scenario INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND Case management is essential to the success of the Homeless Prevention and Rapid Re housing Program HPRP The plan should address all needs and barriers to housing stability identified through the assessment This plan template can be used by case managers to develop a strategy for helping clients obtain and maintain housing stability Regular follow up should occur at a frequency appropriate to need HOPWA requires at least annual income and rent
Housing Stability Plan Examples
Housing Stability Plan Examples
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Steps to take Assess need for long term housing stability and eviction prevention services in housing ecosystem Network with program administrators of other housing services and local organizations that serve various vulnerable populations about gaps in the current system The plan focuses on three areas for improvement health and wellness employment and financial stability and housing stability Monthly Budget Worksheet Use this Excel Monthly Budget Worksheet to calculate a client s income and expenses Helping clients prepare and stick to a budget will be essential to helping them obtain and maintain housing
Action Steps Rapid Re Housing program will provide Emily with a list of properties whose landlords are cooperating with the Rapid Re Housing program Emily will call for vacancy information location rent and amenities and will indicate that she is partnering with the program What is a Housing Stabilization Plan Action Plan A client centered case management plan is designed to assist the participant to identify and achieve attainable housing focused goals Housing Stabilization plans addresses barriers to obtaining and retaining housing by developing goals actions steps and targeted completion dates
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Successful housing placement also serve a vital role in enhancing long term housing stability Assign responsibility for housing retention services As discussed in other parts of this Toolkit there are a number of different models for providing housing search assistance In some communities case managers may be Housing Stability Financial Health Mental Health Substance Use Family and Friends Life Skills Staff Name Date Staff Signature Date HOUSING INNOVATIONS Title Microsoft Word CTI Phase Plan for housing stabilization 3 docx Author andre Created Date 1 5 2022 8 37 22 AM
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Housing Stability Plan Examples Updated 09 01 2017 HOUSING STABILITY PLAN EXAMPLES A Housing Stability Plan HSP is created in partnership with the program participant and the assigned staff HSPs are client centered and must be agreed upon by the participant The examples below may not be applicable to the participant nor should the examples

An example of a Housing Stabilization Plan is included as Appendix A and is populated with information applicable to the case scenario INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND Case management is essential to the success of the Homeless Prevention and Rapid Re housing Program HPRP

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Housing Stability Plan Examples - I Any SSVF Housing Stabilization Plan should have several key characteristics The ultimate goal is to obtain and or retain permanent housing If the household is living in a situation that jeopardizes their safety such as on the streets the initial Plan must focus on immediate resolution of the crisis