Layout White House Floor Plan

Layout White House Floor Plan White House second floor showing location of principal rooms The Executive Residence is the central building of the White House complex located between the East Wing and West Wing It is the most recognizable part of the complex being the actual house part of the White House

White House Architect James Hoban Year 1792 1800 Location 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington DC 20500 United States Architect James Hoban Built in 1792 1800 Remodeled in 1814 1817 Height 21 34m Width 51 21m Elevators 3 Facade neoclassic Cost 232 372 USD Location 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington DC 20500 United States Introduction White House Brady Briefing Room White House press secretary Jay Carney speaks during his daily briefing Dec 19 2011 in the Brady Briefing Room West Wing Ground Floor Situation Room

Layout White House Floor Plan


Layout White House Floor Plan


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Updated The mansion itself covers 55 000 square feet AP Photo Pablo Martinez Monsivais The White House is an iconic center of power that has hosted presidents their guests staff and tourists The Grounds The White House Building Camp David Air Force One Our first president George Washington selected the site for the White House in 1791 The following year the cornerstone was laid

Floor plans of official residences Maps of President s Park Floor plans of the United States Architectural drawings of the White House History Shorts Who Built the White House White House Renovations and Improvements Thomas Jefferson added his own personal touches upon moving in a few months later installing two water

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The West Wing Lobby of the White House Dec 30 2011 Official White House Photo by Chuck Kennedy The West Wing lobby is the reception room for visitors of the President Vice President and White House staff The current lobby was renovated by Richard Nixon in 1970 to provide a smaller more intimate receiving space A Tour of the White House The Second Floor When John Adams first occupied the President s House in 1800 the second floor was generally reserved for private and family use President Adams kept a small o

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Executive Residence Wikipedia
White House second floor showing location of principal rooms The Executive Residence is the central building of the White House complex located between the East Wing and West Wing It is the most recognizable part of the complex being the actual house part of the White House

The Floor Plan White House Tour White House Plans White House
White House Data Photos Plans WikiArquitectura
White House Architect James Hoban Year 1792 1800 Location 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington DC 20500 United States Architect James Hoban Built in 1792 1800 Remodeled in 1814 1817 Height 21 34m Width 51 21m Elevators 3 Facade neoclassic Cost 232 372 USD Location 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington DC 20500 United States Introduction


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Layout White House Floor Plan - History Shorts Who Built the White House White House Renovations and Improvements Thomas Jefferson added his own personal touches upon moving in a few months later installing two water