Montacute House Floor Plan Symmetry Status
Built in the late 1590s for Sir Edward Phelips Montacute House is a glittering Elizabethan Renaissance masterpiece Step inside the amazing building of stone and glass to discover more including the rare and highly decorative 15th century Tournai Tapestry Address Montacute House Montacute Somerset TA15 6XP Sign up for monthly updates
Montacute House Floor Plan
Montacute House Floor Plan
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Building Montacute House Built from locally quarried Ham stone and completed in 1601 the house was designed to be magnificent by the local builder and architect William Arnold The architecture is rooted in Gothic polished with Flemish and Renaissance influences Overview Heritage Category Park and Garden Grade I List Entry Number 1000468 Date first listed 01 Jun 1984 Uploaded by Historic England Archive This photo may not represent the current condition of the site View all Location Location of this list entry and nearby places that are also listed Use our map search to find more listed places
1252021 Date first listed 19 Apr 1961 List Entry Name Montacute House Statutory Address Montacute House The Borough TA15 6XP Go to the official list entry Uploaded by Lucy Jessop This photo may not represent the current condition of the site Montacute House is open daily 11 00 16 30 from March until October During the winter the house is only open on weekends 12 00 15 00 The garden is open all year round Please visit the National Trust website for detailed opening times and ticket prices nationaltrust uk Location and Transport Montacute House is 4 miles west of
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Montacute House The Hall Chamber Originally The Best Bedroom The Fireplace Is Original But
Montacute House is an Elizabethan 3 storey hamstone mansion completed by Sir Edward Phelips c 1555 1614 and built by Stonemason William Arnold probably following plans by John Thorpe The building was probably started around 1598 based on dates on a fireplace and in stained glass in the house Montacute House Access Statement Montacute House is one of the best preserved Elizabethan mansions It was built in last years of the sixteenth century by Sir Edward Phelips The House is on three levels and the Long Gallery on the second floor is the longest in England measuring approximately 52 metres
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 This collection has 1 914 items online Honey coloured Montacute House in Somerset is one of the glories of late Elizabethan architecture The house was completed by Sir Edward Phelips around 1600 and for centuries was the home of the Phelips family Offered for scrap in 1931 Montacute was rescued by the grandson of Thomas Cook founder
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Plans For Montacute House Park Somersetshire Collection Flickr
Symmetry Status
Built in the late 1590s for Sir Edward Phelips Montacute House is a glittering Elizabethan Renaissance masterpiece Step inside the amazing building of stone and glass to discover more including the rare and highly decorative 15th century Tournai Tapestry

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Montacute House Floor Plan - Montacute House Uncovering Its Rich History and Stunning Gardens Let s begin our exploration of Montacute House one of the most exquisite examples of Elizabethan architecture in the whole of England Located in the picturesque village of Montacute in Somerset this resplendent house is a must visit destination for those interested in history and architectural beauty