Mukilteo Housing Action Plan What is affordable housing What is low income in Snohomish County Will the Housing Action Plan require the City to adhere to any specific mandates or quotas for housing Section 8 or rent control or to build low income housing Will the HAP address the cost of housing What is House Bill 1923 HB 1923
JUNE 2021 Housing Action Plan City of Mukilteo Prepared by BERK Consulting CITY OF M U K I L T E O Many members of the community as well as other city staff participated and contributed to the preparation of this Housing Action Plan Their participation and contributions are very much appreciated Jennifer Gregerson Mayor CITY COUNCIL Resolution No 2021 01 Final Housing Action Plan June 2021 pdf Attachment 1 Mukilteo Housing Needs Assessment June 2021 pdf Attachment 2 Mukilteo Housing Policy Review and Recommendations June 2021 pdf Attachment 3 Community Input June 2021 pdf Attachment 4 Interview Findings December 2020 pdf
Mukilteo Housing Action Plan
Mukilteo Housing Action Plan
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Mukilteo Residents Speak Out Against Adopting A Housing Action Plan Lynnwood Times
This Housing Action Plan HAP addresses current and future housing needs within the Mukilteo community The City of Mukilteo developed the HAP to better understand what housing challenges are facing residents workers and employers and how t o best address them Examples of housing challenges we heard in this process include Developing a Housing Action Plan HAP now allows the City to begin the community conversation about housing in advance of completing the City s required comprehensive plan update in 2024 Recommendations coming from the HAP may include Updates to the 2015 Comp Plan
MUKILTEO Wash June 9 2021 The Mukilteo City Council passed its Housing Action Plan HAP with a vote of 4 3 during its four and a half hour contentious Business Meeting on June 7 Councilmembers Sarah Kneller Elisabeth Crawford Richard Emery and Councilman Louis Harris voted for the adoption of the HAP MUKILTEO Wash BERK Consulting prepared a Mukilteo Housing Action Plan HAP drafted April of this year to be voted upon following an upcoming public hearing May 17 Click here to view a copy of the upcoming resolution
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Mukilteo Narrowly Adopts Housing Action Plan Lynnwood Times
City Of Mukilteo Housing Action Plan City Of Mukilteo
City Of Mukilteo Housing Action Plan Project Library City Of Mukilteo
A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF MUKILTEO WASHINGTON ADOPTING A HOUSING ACTION PLANPURSUANT TO REVISED CODE OF WASHINGTON RCW 36 70A 600 WHEREAS Revised Code of Washington RCW 36 70A 600 provides for cities planning under the Growth Management Act GMA to prepare a Housing Action Plan HAP and Last updated 4 7 2021 at 4 51pm The Mukilteo Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on the Housing Action Plan HAP at 7 p m Thursday April 15 The purpose of the public hearing is for the Planning Commission to consider a resolution to adopt a Housing Action Pla For access to this article please sign in or subscribe
Mukilteo Housing Action Plan U Contents Introduction1 Housing Needs2 Entry Level HomeownershipOptions Greater Variety of Options for Moderate Income Households Greater Variety ofRentalHousing HousingAttainabletoMukilteo s Workforce Greater Variety of HousingSizes Housing Options for Older Adults Housing toAccommodateFutureGrowth 3 3 4 A sharply divided Mukilteo City Council voted 4 3 to move forward with creating a Housing Action Plan during its Monday July 6 meeting Council president Richard Emery vice president Sarah Kneller and councilmembers Elisabeth Crawford and Louis Harris voted to approve a motion to enter a contract with BERK Consulting for the preparation of the p
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What is affordable housing What is low income in Snohomish County Will the Housing Action Plan require the City to adhere to any specific mandates or quotas for housing Section 8 or rent control or to build low income housing Will the HAP address the cost of housing What is House Bill 1923 HB 1923
JUNE 2021 Housing Action Plan City of Mukilteo Prepared by BERK Consulting CITY OF M U K I L T E O Many members of the community as well as other city staff participated and contributed to the preparation of this Housing Action Plan Their participation and contributions are very much appreciated Jennifer Gregerson Mayor CITY COUNCIL

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1st Phase Of National Housing Action Plan Completed In Southern Iran Tehran Times

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City Of Mukilteo Housing Action Plan City Of Mukilteo

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Mukilteo Housing Action Plan - However Mukilteo s housing action plan spurred a contentious year long conversation about the future of housing in Mukilteo Many residents vehemently opposed the city adopting a plan at all