Opod Tube House Plan Measuring a little over 8 feet wide each 100 square foot space is designed to house one or two people The Opod Tube Houses come with the standard features of any apartment including a foldable bench that doubles as a bed space for a microwave and mini fridge and a bathroom area at the rear
Introducing the OPod the tube house that could be Hong Kong s answer to a crippling housing crisis Did we forget to mention that the home is actually contained inside a 100 to 120 square foot concrete water tube Even though it has a small footprint and inexpensive finishes it s bright trendy and comfortable The OPod Tube House by James Law Cybertecture is a micro house made from concrete water piping that measures just 2 5 m 8 2 ft in diameter Its snug interior features an apartment style
Opod Tube House Plan
Opod Tube House Plan
OPod Tube House By James Law Cybertecture Apartment Blocks
This New Concrete Tube House Concept Could Solve Housing Iss
The OPod Tube House designed by James Law Cybertecture is a low cost experimental housing unit or micro dwelling built from a concrete water pipe 2 5 meters in diameter The project uses the OPod Tube House is an experimental low cost micro living housing unit to ease Hong Kong s affordable housing problems Constructed out of low cost and readily available 2 5m diameter
Called OPod Tube Housing the project sees 2 5 metre wide concrete water pipes transformed into 9 29 square metre homes with doors that can be unlocked using smartphones Opod Tube Housing Micro housing has come leaps and bounds over the last decade but a new age of tiny urban housing is now upon us Opod Tube Housing Created by James Law Cybertecture the tube
More picture related to Opod Tube House Plan
Opod Tube House Built From New Spare Concrete Pipes Engineering Discoveries
James Tube Telegraph
November 7 2020 8 07 am Comments Off on OPod Tube House Water Pipe Micro Apartments by James Law Cybertecture Image courtesy of James Law Cybertecture Each each 100 square foot unit is designed to house one or two people The OPod Tube House was designed keeping in mind the Hong Kong s housing shortage A glazed door provides access to the house and it comprises a total floor space of just 100 square feet The living area consisted of a sofa bed shelving and some storage space
OPod Tube House is an experimental low cost micro living housing unit to ease Hong Kong s affordable housing problems Constructed out of low cost and readily available 2 5m diameter concrete water pipe the design ultilizes the strong concrete structure to house a mirco living apartment for one two persons with fully kitted out living OPod Tube House is an experimental low cost micro living housing unit to ease Hong Kong s affordable housing problems Constructed out of low cost and readily available 2 5m diameter concrete water pipe the design utilises the strong concrete structure to house a micro living apartment for one two people OPod Tube Houses can be stacked to
OPod Tube Housing By James Law Cybertecture METALOCUS
OPod Tube House By James Law Cybertecture Wowow Home Magazine

Measuring a little over 8 feet wide each 100 square foot space is designed to house one or two people The Opod Tube Houses come with the standard features of any apartment including a foldable bench that doubles as a bed space for a microwave and mini fridge and a bathroom area at the rear

Introducing the OPod the tube house that could be Hong Kong s answer to a crippling housing crisis Did we forget to mention that the home is actually contained inside a 100 to 120 square foot concrete water tube Even though it has a small footprint and inexpensive finishes it s bright trendy and comfortable

Modern Tube House Nh p Vi t Nam Nh ng Hi n i V i Nhi u Kho ng Xanh Ph C ch

OPod Tube Housing By James Law Cybertecture METALOCUS

OPod Tube House By James Law Cybertecture Wowow Home Magazine Outdoor Restaurant Design

OPod Tube House By James Law Cybertecture Wowow Home Magazine

Concrete Water Pipes Reimagined As Micro Apartments For Innovative Housing Solution

Architect James Law 15 Iconic Projects RTF

Architect James Law 15 Iconic Projects RTF

OPod Tube House By James Law Cybertecture Wowow Home Magazine House And Home Magazine Home

OPod Tube Housing By James Law Cybertecture METALOCUS

OPod Tube House By James Law Cybertecture Wowow Home Magazine House And Home Magazine Home
Opod Tube House Plan - Opod Tube Housing Micro housing has come leaps and bounds over the last decade but a new age of tiny urban housing is now upon us Opod Tube Housing Created by James Law Cybertecture the tube