Vm House Plans VM House Architect PLOT BIG Bjarke Ingels JDS Architects Julien De Smedt Year 2004 2005 Location restad Copenhagen Denmark Architect PLOT BIG Bjarke Ingels JDS Architects Julien De Smedt Engineer Moe Br dsgaard A S Construction Company H pfner A S Developer H pfner A S Dansk Olie Kompagni A S Built in 2004 2005 Built up Area
The VM Houses shaped like a V and an M when seen from above is the first residential project to be built in restaden a new quarter of Copenhagen This growing neighborhood is connected to the center of the city by the new Metro system Unique in their appearance as the letters V and M from an aerial point of view the VM Houses a set of two adjacent buildings by JDS Architects and Bjarke Ingels Group was the first residential project in the still developing quarter of restad in Copenhagen Denmark
Vm House Plans
Vm House Plans
https://miesarch.com/uploads/images/works/1445255927926VM_Plans_01_Drawing by BIG.jpg
The Mountain Dwellings are the 2nd generation of the VM Houses same client same size and same street The program however is 2 3 parking and 1 3 living Gallery of VM Houses BIG JDS 22 Apartments Image 22 of 35 from gallery of VM Houses BIG JDS
VM Houses Johan Fowelin 17 The V house is conceived as a balcony condo the M house as an Unite d Habitation version 2 0 But where Le Corbusier designed narrow flats surrounding hundreds of meters of dead end corridors the zigzagging M house ensures that all corridors have views and daylight in both directions VM Houses is a housing project consisting of two adjacent apartment buildings in restad Copenhagen Denmark Designed by JDS Architects and Bjarke Ingels Group the M House with 95 units was completed in 2004 and the V House with 114 units in 2005 1 The developer Per H pfner working with the Dansk Olie og Naturgas company now DONG
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VM Houses BIG Arch2O
VM House Data Photos Plans WikiArquitectura
The VM Houses shaped like a V and an M when seen from above is the first residential project to be built in the new district of Copenhagen known as restaden The vis vis with the neighbouring M house is eliminated by pushing the slab in its centre ensuring diagonal views to the vast open fields around The building volume provides The VM HOUSES are designed by Bjarke Ingels BIG Julien de Smedt JDS Architects and Plot The building was completed in 2005 and was one of the first housing estates which was erected in restad City
TYPE COMMISION VM House Image Courtesy JDS FELIX LUONG SIZE 25 000 M2 230 HOUSING UNITS BUDGET 25 200 000 CLIENT H PFNER A S DANSK OLIE KOMPAGNI A S COLLARBORATORS PLOT BIG MOE BR DSGAARD STATUS COMPLETION MAR 2005 VM House Image Courtesy JDS FELIX LUONG The V house is lifted to create a permeable block with a semi private public court for the residences The pedestrian landscaping flows from the street under the V house and into the courtyard forming a spatial unity and sense of community between the two buildings
VM House Picture Gallery Architecture Board Green Architecture Residential Architecture
ArchShowcase VM Houses In Copenhagen Denmark By PLOT BIG JDS

VM House Architect PLOT BIG Bjarke Ingels JDS Architects Julien De Smedt Year 2004 2005 Location restad Copenhagen Denmark Architect PLOT BIG Bjarke Ingels JDS Architects Julien De Smedt Engineer Moe Br dsgaard A S Construction Company H pfner A S Developer H pfner A S Dansk Olie Kompagni A S Built in 2004 2005 Built up Area

The VM Houses shaped like a V and an M when seen from above is the first residential project to be built in restaden a new quarter of Copenhagen This growing neighborhood is connected to the center of the city by the new Metro system

10 Things You Did Not Know About VM Houses RTF Rethinking The Future

VM House Picture Gallery Architecture Board Green Architecture Residential Architecture

Gallery Of VM Houses BIG JDS 16

ArchShowcase VM Houses In Copenhagen Denmark By PLOT BIG JDS

VM House Bjarke Ingels House Four Corners





Vm House Floor Plan VM House Data Photos Plans WikiArquitectura Our Advanced Search
Vm House Plans - The Mountain Dwellings are the 2nd generation of the VM Houses same client same size and same street The program however is 2 3 parking and 1 3 living