White House Lesson Plans

White House Lesson Plans Home Homeschool Resources By Subject White House Activities Lesson Plans and More Age Range Key Y Young PreK 3rd M Middle 4th 6th O Older 7th 12th T Teacher Resources White House Virtual Tour Y M O Students can take a virtual tour of the White House via Google Maps

Description This lesson plan about the White House s Executive Residence staff opens with reflective questions that ask students to consider the varied roles of the White House and who A lesson plan for teachers relating to the home of the President of United States of America The White House has changed throughout the years not only in design but also in terms of who has lived there Essential Question EQ How has the White House physically changed throughout the years Title The History of the White House

White House Lesson Plans


White House Lesson Plans


The White House Digital PDF Language Arts Classroom Vocabulary Activities Language Arts


The White House Lesson Plan For 4th 10th Grade Lesson Planet

Students will read an article to learn about the presidential election process and analyze a map showing primary and caucus dates Study the ideals and practices of citizenship Learn and use domain specific vocabulary Integrate information presented in multiple formats junior scholastic Washington D C The White House lesson plan includes three pages of content The lesson begins by telling students that the capital of the United States is in Washington D C The White House is the building where the President works and lives It includes two extensions from the main house the West and East Wings

Brink of the Storm and the Civil War Events Leading up to the American Civil War The Industrial Revolution American Civil War 1861 1865 People of the Civil War Lincoln Davis Grant Lee Frederick Douglass Harriet Tubman Dred Scott and more 13th Amendment ending slavery forever Reconstruction Carpetbaggers Scalawags Road to the White House Students make the trip with JFK from the Democratic National Convention to the November 8 1960 election answering questions with information gleaned from the primary sources located in the Campaign Office in The President s Desk About this Resource Grade Level 4 5 6 Time Required 1 2 hours Curricular Resource Type

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Win The White House Lesson Plans And Lesson Ideas BrainPOP Educators

White House Lesson Plan Instructor Sharon Linde Sharon has an Masters of Science in Mathematics and a Masters in Education Use this lesson plan to teach your students about the White Description This lesson plan about the history of White House preservation and restoration efforts opens with a reflective question that asks students to consider whether or not the White

Dry Pool and flowers Using Crayola School Glue attach the pool to the middle of the lawn With Crayola Model Magic create flowers growing around the pool Building Cut a large piece of the white cardboard in the shape of the White House Draw the roof chimneys and railings with Crayola Fine Tip Markers Document 2 Dolley Madison She assisted at the White House when President Jefferson asked her help in receiving ladies and presided at the first inaugural ball in Washington when James Madison became chief executive in 1809 Although Dolley s social graces made her famous her husband prized her political acumen


Peeking White House Floor Plan AyanaHouse


Win The White House Lesson Plans And Lesson Ideas BrainPOP Educators

Printable Swot Analysis Lesson Activity Of White House Lesson Plans 30 Mini Task Analysis Lesson
White House TheHomeSchoolMom

Home Homeschool Resources By Subject White House Activities Lesson Plans and More Age Range Key Y Young PreK 3rd M Middle 4th 6th O Older 7th 12th T Teacher Resources White House Virtual Tour Y M O Students can take a virtual tour of the White House via Google Maps

The White House Digital PDF Language Arts Classroom Vocabulary Activities Language Arts
The White House Staff C SPAN Classroom

Description This lesson plan about the White House s Executive Residence staff opens with reflective questions that ask students to consider the varied roles of the White House and who


Race To The White House Video Guide Bundle WebLinks Keys American History Lesson Plans


Peeking White House Floor Plan AyanaHouse


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White House Free PDF Download Learn Bright


White House Coloring Pages Free Printable Coloring Pages For Kids


White House Layout Tronhrom


White House Layout Tronhrom


White House Worksheet


A Guide To Touring The White House


How Was The White House Designed Lesson Plan For 3rd 5th Grade Lesson Planet

White House Lesson Plans - Our White House Looking In Looking Out Grades 4 8 Reading Comprehension Lesson Ideas Biographies Grades 3 5 A Llama in Pajamas and Other Silly Songs A Singing Pirate Grades 6 8 Abigail Adams Arthur Fiedler