Auckland Unitary Plan Mixed Housing Suburban Residential Mixed Housing Suburban Zone H4 1 Zone description PC 78 see Modifications The Residential Mixed Housing Suburban Zone is the most widespread residential zone covering many established suburbs and some greenfields areas
Check the zone for your property To find out which zone your house is in look up your address on the Auckland Unitary Plan GeoMaps Single house zone This information is for houses outside Auckland s urban areas Single house zone Auckland Unitary Plan fact sheet PDF 127 KB For more information see Subdividing in a single house zone If you want to create a new lot under the Auckland Unitary Plan each site in this zone needs to be a minimum of 400 square metres although there are some specific exceptions PDF 422KB
Auckland Unitary Plan Mixed Housing Suburban
Auckland Unitary Plan Mixed Housing Suburban
How The Auckland Unitary Plan Affects Te Atatu Peninsula Mark Boyd
Unitary Plan And The Auckland Design Manual Greater Auckland
Require the height bulk form and appearance of development and the provision of sufficient setbacks and landscaped areas to achieve an urban built character of predominantly three storeys in a variety of forms Encourage development to achieve attractive and safe streets and public open spaces including by providing for passive surveillance The purpose of this sheet is to explain the council s proposed approach to amending the Residential Mixed Housing Urban MHU Zone Submissions are now invited on the proposed plan change The period for submissions closes on 29 September 2022 The government s approach to more housing
What is the Auckland Unitary Plan Auckland Unitary Plan guides the use of Auckland s natural and physical resources including land development History and earlier versions of the Auckland Unitary Plan Learn about the Auckland Unitary Plan its history and earlier versions Auckland Unitary Plan operative in part Mixed Housing Urban Zone now allowing for three buildings of up to three storeys Low Density Residential Zone qualifying matters apply limited to two storeys Click here to find out what zone a property is now in and whether there are any qualifying matters applied to it
More picture related to Auckland Unitary Plan Mixed Housing Suburban
Civitas Planning Consultants Auckland Unitary Plan
Unitary Plan 2 0 Pre consultation Greater Auckland
Auckland Unitary Plan Residential Controls Mixed Housing Suburban Zone Jason Yianakis
The Mixed Housing Urban Zone allows you to build a range of typologies from apartments to single houses There are great developing opportunities under this zone Bayard McKenzie has over 15 years of planning experience for private and government organisations He is the co founder of The Development Collective a revolutionary property Auckland Council s notified plan change has reduced the four previous residential zones Single House Mixed Housing Suburban Mixed Housing Urban and Terrace Housing and Apartment Buildings THAB that applied in urban areas into the following three Terrace Housing and Apartment Buildings Zone now allowing for buildings of six storeys or more
The Auckland Unitary Plan Operative in Part AUP OP contains a number of residential zones across Auckland that promote medium or high density residential development This serves several important purposes enables the supply of housing to respond to strong population growth and high housing demand Residential Mixed Housing Suburban MHS to Residential Mixed Housing Urban MHU zone Summary of Decisions Requested on 18 11 2021 Submission period extended Mixed Use zone in the Auckland Unitary Plan Operative in Part 2016 AUP OP Operative on 12 11 2021 Decision notified 09 07 2021 Summary of Decisions Requested on
Civitas Planning Consultants Auckland Unitary Plan
Auckland Unitary Plan Residential Controls Mixed Housing Suburban Zone Jason Yianakis 2013 version/Zones/Residential/HIRB 1 2013-08-13.jpg
Residential Mixed Housing Suburban Zone H4 1 Zone description PC 78 see Modifications The Residential Mixed Housing Suburban Zone is the most widespread residential zone covering many established suburbs and some greenfields areas
Check the zone for your property To find out which zone your house is in look up your address on the Auckland Unitary Plan GeoMaps Single house zone This information is for houses outside Auckland s urban areas Single house zone Auckland Unitary Plan fact sheet PDF 127 KB For more information see Subdividing in a single house zone

Auckland Unitary Plan Zones Map
Civitas Planning Consultants Auckland Unitary Plan

Unitary Plan Notified Greater Auckland

Auckland Unitary Plan Residential Controls Mixed Housing Suburban Zone Jason Yianakis
Auckland Unitary Plan Zoning Map

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Auckland Experiencing Urban Housing Surge OurAuckland

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Auckland Unitary Plan Mixed Housing Suburban - More housing for our growing city From 18 August Auckland Council will be asking you to make a submission on proposed changes to the city s planning rule book the Auckland Unitary Plan We must respond to two significant urban planning reforms introduced by central government These require New Zealand s largest and fastest growing