Bullard Houses Negotiation Planning Document Seller Reservation Price Based on existing bids for development of residential housing the lower of the bids would typically be the lowest price considered US 11 million Target Price Based on the bid for the development of a commercial structure like the Quincy Market US 20 million But the goal would remain to push for the
2 Bullard House Seller Role Seller Issues Price Purpose of purchase The seller is concern about the buyer s main purpose in buying the building In the negotiation they maybe pretend to buy the building for housing but later develop the property for the purpose of commercial or alter the fa ade to attract more tourists Seller s Interests Receive a major portion of the payment in Downtown Realty Inc owns the historic Bullard Houses a set of 51 attached brownstones in the city of Gotham The Houses occupied for decades by the city s wealthy elite have fallen into disrepair and are currently occupied only by a few low income families
Bullard Houses Negotiation Planning Document Seller
Bullard Houses Negotiation Planning Document Seller
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27 Share 25K views 9 years ago Teaching Negotiation Resource Center TNRC Bullard Houses is a two party multi issue real estate negotiation role play exercise between representatives for Confidential Instructions for the Seller s Representative for product PON124 Downtown Realty Inc owns the historic Bullard Houses a set of 51 attached brownstones in the city of Gotham The Houses occupied for decades by the city s wealthy elite have fallen into disrepair and are currently occupied only by a few low income families
Downtown Realty Inc owns the historic Bullard Houses a set of 51 attached brownstones in the city of Gotham The Houses occupied for decades by the city s wealthy elite have fallen into disrepair and are currently occupied only by a few low income families Downtown Realty has been prevented from demolishing the Houses by the Gothic Landmark Commission Consequently Downtown is eager to Published by Program On Negotiation Harvard Law School Originally published in 2006 Version Feb 2006 The Bullard Houses Confidential Instructions for the Seller s Representative Case Reference no PON126 Subject category
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Competent representation requires the legal knowledge skill thoroughness and preparation reasonably necessary for the representation 1 2 Scope of Representation and Allocation of Authority Between Lawyer and Client 1 3 Diligence A lawyer shall act with reasonable diligence and promptness in representing a client 1 4 Communication 1 5 Fe Bullard Houses and finish up with an environmental case involving the Conoco Oil Company Super size Me First McDonald s Perhaps you saw the film Super size Me which came out in 2004 It looked at the effect of McDonald s on our health the obesity problem in the U S and so forth The name of the
2 Planning Documents and Post Negotiation Analysis 20 Together the planning documents and post negotiation analysis will help you structure your negotiation experience The planning documents will enable you to fully understand the nature of the particular negotiation exercise and plan strategies that will maximize your outcomes The post Group Planning document Template for Bullard Houses scribd Read online for free
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Reservation Price Based on existing bids for development of residential housing the lower of the bids would typically be the lowest price considered US 11 million Target Price Based on the bid for the development of a commercial structure like the Quincy Market US 20 million But the goal would remain to push for the
2 Bullard House Seller Role Seller Issues Price Purpose of purchase The seller is concern about the buyer s main purpose in buying the building In the negotiation they maybe pretend to buy the building for housing but later develop the property for the purpose of commercial or alter the fa ade to attract more tourists Seller s Interests Receive a major portion of the payment in

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Bullard Houses Negotiation Planning Document Seller - 27 Share 25K views 9 years ago Teaching Negotiation Resource Center TNRC Bullard Houses is a two party multi issue real estate negotiation role play exercise between representatives for